Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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The Inn-Keeper Makes Excuses

'Oh, if only I had known!'
Said the keeper of the inn.
'But no hint to me was shown,
And I didn't let them in.

If This Were All

If this were all of life we'll know,
If this brief space of breath
Were all there is to human toil,

What I Call Living

The miser thinks he's living when he's hoarding up his gold;
The soldier calls it living when he's doing something bold;
The sailor thinks it living to be tossed upon the sea,

Life's Tests

If never a sorrow came to us,
and never a care we knew;
If every hope were realized,
and every dream came true;

On Being Broke

Don't mind being broke at all,
When I can say that what I had
Was spent for toys for kiddies small

A Patriotic Creed

To serve my country day by day
At any humble post I may;
To honor and respect her flag,

Lemon Pie

The world is full of gladness,
There are joys of many kinds,
There's a cure for every sadness,
That each troubled mortal finds.

A Battle Prayer

God of battles, be with us now:
Guard our sons from the lead of shame,
Watch our sons when the cannons flame,
Let them not to a tyrant bow.

The Old-Fashioned Parents

The good old-fashioned mothers and the good old-fashioned dads,
With their good old-fashioned lassies and their good old-fashioned lads,

A Father's Prayer

Lord, make me tolerant and wise;
Incline my ears to hear him through;
Let him not stand with downcast eyes,

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