Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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Never a sigh for the cares that she bore for me
Never a thought of the joys that flew by;
Her one regret that she couldn't do more for me,
Thoughtless and selfish, her Master was I.

At The Millennium

At The Millennium
WHENEVER men and women learn
To be themselves from day to day,
To spend no more than what they earn,

Our Duty To Our Flag

Less hate and greed
Is what we need
And more of service true;
More men to love

When Sorrow Comes

When sorrow comes, as come it must,
In God a man must place his trust.
There is no power in mortal speech
The anguish of his soul to reach,

Not A Money Debt

YOU can't pay back in dollars what your father does for you,
You can't repay in kindness all the tenderness he shows;
You little know the perils he has safely brought you through,
And the wealth of Rockefeller this account would never close.

Success And Failure

I do not think all failure's undeserved,
And all success is merely someone's luck;
Some men are down because they were unnerved,

A Successful Dad

OTHERS may laugh at my feeble endeavor
To capture life's prizes, and others may sneer;
The whole world may loudly declare I shall never
Be worthy the gunpowder to blow me from here.

Just A Boy

Get to understand the lad-
He's not eager to be bad;
If the right he always knew,
He would be as old as you.


He was going to be all that a mortal should be
No one should be kinder or braver than he


There are different kinds of heroes, there are some you hear about.
They get their pictures printed, and their names the newsboys shout;
There are heroes known to glory that were not afraid to die

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