Edith Nesbit Poems

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A Life's Story

THE morning broke in a pearly haze,
Then the east grew duskly red:
'Oh, my only day, oh, my day of days,
To-day he will come,' I said.


When I was little and good
I walked in the dappled wood
Where light white windflowers grew,
And hyacinths heavy and blue.

And The Rains Descended And The Floods Came

NOW the far waves roll nearer and more near,
The wind's awake, the pitiless wind's awake,
It shrieks the menace that I dare not hear,

At Evening Time There Shall Be Light

THE day was wild with wind and rain,
One grey wrapped sky and sea and shore,
It seemed our marsh would never again

Absolution Ii

UNBIND thine eyes, with thine own soul confer,
Look on the sins that made thy life unclean,
Behold how poor thy vaunted virtues were,

A Prayer For The King's Majesty

THE Queen is dead. God save the King,
In this his hour of grief,
When sorrow gathers memories in a sheaf

The Mother's Prayer

This was my little son
Who leapt and laughed on my knee:
Body we made with love,
Soul made with love by Thee.


ONCE I loved, and my heart bowed down,
Subject and slave, for Love was a King;
He sat above with sceptre and crown,


WITH garlands to grace it, with laughter to greet it,
Christmas is here, holly-red and snow-white,

New College Gardens, Oxford

ON this old lawn, where lost hours pass
Across the shadows dark with dew,
Where autumn on the thick sweet grass
Has laid a weary leaf or two,

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