Like a Star in the seas above,
Like a Dream to the waves of sleep-
Away with your stories of Hades,
Which the Flamen has forged to affright us-
We laugh at your three Maiden Ladies,
Around-about-for ever near thee,
God-OUR GOD-shall mark and hear thee!
On his car of storm He sweeps!
Bow, ye heavens, and shrink, ye deeps!
In the veins of the calix foams and glows
The blood of the mantling vine,
But oh! in the bowl of Youth there glows
Loved alike by Air and Water
Aye must be Thessalia's daughter;
To us, Olympian hearts, are given
It is not that our earlier Heaven
Escapes its April showers,
Or that to childhood's heart is given
Farewell! O soul departed!
Farewell! O sacred urn!
Bereaved and broken-hearted,
Who will assume the bays
That the hero wore?
Wreaths on the Tomb of Days
In the veins of the calix foams and glows
The blood of the mantling vine,
But oh! in the bowl of Youth there glows
Sweet are the rosy memories of the lips
That first kiss'd ours, albeit they kiss no more:
Sweet is the sight of sunset-sailing ships,