Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Flight Of The Spirit

Whither, oh! whither wilt thou wing thy way?
What solemn region first upon thy sight
Shall break, unveiled for terror or delight?

Properzia Rossi

Tell me no more, no more
Of my soul's lofty gifts! Are they not vain
To quench its haunting thirst for happiness?

The Wife Of Asdrubal

The sun sets brightly - but a ruddier glow
O'er Afric's heaven the flames of Carthage throw;
Her walls have sunk, and pyramids of fire

Breathings Of Spring

Thou giv'st me flowers, thou giv'st me songs; bring back
The love that I have lost!

The Bride Of The Greek Isle

Fear! I'm a Greek, and how should I fear death?
A slave, and wherefore should I dread my freedom?
I will not live degraded ~

Indian Woman's Death-Song

DOWN a broad river of the western wilds,
Piercing thick forest glooms, a light canoe

Woman On The Field Of Battle

Where hath not a woman stood,
Strong in affection's might? a reed, upborne
By an o'er mastering current!

War And Peace—a Poem

THOU, bright Futurity! whose prospect beams,
In dawning radiance on our day-light dreams;
Whose lambent meteors and ethereal forms

The Rainbow

SOFT falls the mild, reviving shower
From April's changeful skies,
And rain-drops bend each trembling flower

The Captive Knight

The prisoned thrush may brook the cage,
The captive eagle dies for rage.
Lady of the Lake.

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