Frances Anne Kemble Poems

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A Noonday Vision

I saw one whom I love more than my life
Stand on a perilous edge of slippery rock,
Under her feet the waters' furious strife,

A Farewell

I SHALL come no more to the Cedar Hall,
The fairies' palace, beside the stream;

A Picture

Through the half-open'd casement stream'd the light
Of the departing sun. The golden haze
Of the red western sky fell warm and bright

A Wish (Ii)

Let me not die for ever! when I'm laid
In the cold earth; but let my memory
Live still among ye, like the evening shade,

An Answer

Could I be sure that I should die
The moment you had ceased to love me,
I would not turn so fearfully

A Retrospect

Life wanes, and the bright sunlight of our youth
Sets o'er the mountain-tops, where once Hope stood.
O Innocence! O Trustfulness! O Truth!

A Vision Of The Vatican

In the great palace halls, where dwell the gods,
I heard a voice filling the vaulted roof;
The heart that uttered it seemed sorrow-proof,

A Lament For The Wissahiccon

The waterfall is calling me
With its merry gleesome flow,
And the green boughs are beckoning me,
To where the wild flowers grow:

Translation From Alfred De Musset’s Ode To Malibran

O Maria Felicia! the Painter and Bard,
Behind them in dying leave undying heirs,
The night of oblivion their memory spares,

Lines Written At Belvoir Castle, 1883

Two things remain unalter'd in this place,
Tho' since I came here forty years are told—
The smiling loveliness of Nature's face,

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