Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When Come The Final Day's...

Yellow orb veils the gravid Moon...
shocking the brains of Mother Earth,

lambs lay down, eyes to the sky,

S A L E M { Haiku }

A Modern-Contemporary Haiku
with the employment of the
syllabic requirement of Trad-
ional Zen-Styled Haiku Verse.

Twilights End-Stage { Haiku }

A Traditional formatted Haiku
with its' syllabic and nature
themed (adherence) requirement

SanterĂ­a...{ Artists Against Animal Abuse }

A different yet(IMO) an
important statement con-
veyed via senryu style
verse about the shocking

The Want Versus The Need...

Parallel with a hertz of bandwidth
you pray to soar with eagles-eye,
and so you do...
with confidence like a bull, running,

Hendrix Stratocaster Syndrome (A Rock-Rap Lyrical Requiem)

Headphones bleed
from the chords I believe
were struck by the master
the master of hands...

A Leif Off A Belated Columbus Day Tree { A Heptad Senryu}

Santa Maria
Was The Ship Columbus Sailed,
In one, four, nine, two...

St. Crispin's Day...

A Senryu with Traditional
Haiku Syllabic adherence.


One never really knows when anathema will strike;
Some sense portent of th' bizarre by....malediction.

Did th' Mayans really understand God, and science

The Death Rattle Echoes From The East...

Who knew about Isis, ten years ago?
Who knew them even five years ago?
We were warned by a President
ten years ago; tho' no recorded name.

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