Frank McEleny Poems

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A Wandering Star

You filled the aching longing
Of a lonely wandering star
You bridged a yawning chasm
When you saw me from afar

Still Standing On You Feet?

When first I came to Jesus
The river was ankle deep
It cooled me in the day time
Yet still I was upon my feet

Jesus You Are

You are higher than the highest heavens
You love is deeper than the deepest sea
Your mercy is beyond all comprehension
And your grace goes on eternally

To All Who Thirst

As the deer panteth for the waterbrooks
So my soul longeth after thee
Oh my Father in Heaven
Can you hear my desperate plea?

To Live Beyond The Edge Of Hope

To live beyond the edge of hope
Is to dangle daily from a rope
In a perpetual dance with death itself
Beyond this world and all its wealth

If I Did Not Believe

My hope would vanish in the wind
My joy would disappear
My peace would crumble into dust
I would not shed a tear

Psalm 11

If the foundations be destroyed
What can the righteous do
For broad is the road that leads to hell
And the narrow road finds the few

Psalm 12

Help oh Lord for the Godly man ceases
And the enemy pours in and breaks to pieces
The poor the afflicted and those who are needy
Are condemned by the vile, the wicked, the greedy

Psalm 13

Oh Lord have you forgotton me
How long will you hide your face
My heart is sorrowful every day
Oh how I miss your embrace

Psalm 14

The fool has said in his heart
That there is no God
And is corrupt in all of his ways
All the workers of iniquity

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