Bijay Kant Dubey Friends Poems

There was a time when the sons used to stay away with
And the fathers used to keep some distance
From the growing children,
I mean the grown-ups

Friends, Ladies & Gentlemen...

Friends, ladies and gentlemen,
What am I,
Modern, modernist
Or post-modern?

Bottle's Opportunist Friends

There are many to make you drink
But none will be with you
When stagger and fall you on the roads,
There will be none around you to lift.

This is new year's first day,
I looking new,
You looking new,

What dancer,
Am I friends,
Say you,
Came I

Krishna-Krishna, Rama-Rama,
Hare Rama, hare Krishna,
Krishna-Krishna, Rama-Rama,
Rama-Rama, Krishna-Krishna,

Ganjeri, Bhangeri, Darpiya, Three Bosom Friends

Ganjeri, Ganja-taker,
Bhangeri, Bhang-taker,
Darpiya, daru-taker
The three bosom friends

A small Indian English verse writer
Luckily turned
As the head of the department of English
of a university

Arvind, if your companions are really interested in
Cleaning and camping drives,
Sweeping the roads,
Helping the common man

Three Odd Friends Walking Hand-In-Hand

Three odd friends, the bootlegger, the drug-trafficker and the woman-trafficker
Now cover up the news pages,
The bootlegger who comes with bottles ambushed in his rugged, ragged coat and pants,
Looking clumsy-clumsy, uncouth-uncouth,


Two smokers going, hand in hand, glove in glove,
Taking the cigarettes,
Opening the lighter,

Three Friends, Ganjeri, Bhangeri And Darpiya

I can see three villagerly friends,
Ganjeri, Bhangeri and Daarpiya going together with,
Mr.Ganjeri puffs in ganja
From an earthen taker

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