Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India

Gajanan Mishra Poems

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Not Unprotected

Nobody is unprotected on this earth
So long as You are there, O my dear.

Nobody is unhappy when he knows the nature
O my dear, and take Your shelter, respect Your culture.

In You

O my dear, I need Your presence
And I know You are present always
Here within me and outside me
I know within You there is truthfulness

Going Back

See I am
Going back to You
With all my sense organs
With my mind

I Wish All Good

I wish all good to you
I wish all good.

I know You are offence-less
And thoroughly honest.

Men, Animals And Birds

I know, all are here,
And they are
Equally protected.


What is diminishing is our life
Diminishing duration of life
And mercy and power of recollection
And moral principles.

Without Your Support

O my dear, I can not live.
I can not live, O my support
Without You.

I am helpless

A White Swan

A white ducking swan is playing
In the stems of red lotus flowers
O my dear, Your transcendental lips.

I See With With Eyes

I walk with feet
Eyes, sense of perception
Foot, organ of action.

A thorn runs in to the foot

After Hardwork

Anything can be
accomplished only
after hardworks.
Go and see

Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
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