George Henry Boker Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet Cclxxxiii:

Fairest of all the fair ones I have seen,
Fairest of all, in feature not alone,
Nor form, nor grace, nor glance, nor voice's tone,

Sonnet Cclxxxiv:

Darling, I kiss thee from thy slender feet
Up to the curls around thy tender brow;
Each fervent kiss upon thee prints a vow,

Sonnet Cclxxxix:

This was my lady's birthday, and yet I
At dawn heard not the cannon's brazen throat,
Nor saw the fluttering standards give the note

Sonnet Cclxxxv:

How shall I sing of thee, thyself who art
A song of God's own making--perfect thought,
Pearl-pure, unmatched, which the great poet wrought

Sonnet Cclxxxvi:

I touched the limit of supremest bliss,
Knew joy's whole secret on this golden day;
When in my arms my panting darling lay,

Sonnet Cclxxxvii:

When distance severs us, and we become
As parting voyagers of divided lives,
In whom no common interest survives,

Sonnet Ccv:

For what to me were Helen's honeyed word,
Or guiltless Iphigenia's sacred charms;
Or Cleopatra's lustrous breast and arms,

Sonnet Ccvi:

When men distrust me, not because they find
Baseness in me, but basely they mistake
The native sins, which in their natures wake,

Sonnet Ccvii:

This fellow calls me sordid, that one poor--
Poorer in spirit than in purse, perchance;
Another's humid eyeballs shine and dance

Sonnet Ccviii:

Speed on thy solemn pilgrimage, O Earth;
And count thy rosary of golden days
Before thy Maker's feet in prayerful praise

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