Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ma Sereine Vénus, Je T'Aime Naturellement

Je t'aime tel que tu étais née
Avec tes jolis cheveux noirs et crépus
Avec tes beaux yeux d'ébène et nus
Avec ton grand sourire ensoleillé

My Serene Venus, I Love You Naturally

I love you as you were born with style
With your beautiful black curly hair
With your ebony and naked stare
With your grand tropical smile

No Podemos Respirar

No Podemos Respirar

Ya no podemos respirar los humos tóxicos de racismo
No podemos respirar

On Valentine's Day And Every Day Of The Year

Love is everything, love is priceless.
On Valentine's, it's not the value, the worthiness
Of the gift, but the simple gesture
Of giving a handshake, a kiss, a flower,

I Am Using The “n- Word”

I Am a Negro
Je suis un Noir
Yo soy un Negro
I am a great Negro

It Is What It Is

If you lie, you're a liar
If you steal, you're a stealer
If you kill, you're a killer
If you bad mouth, you're a backstabber

El Nacimiento De La Corrupción

La corrupción generalmente comienza
Con un pequeño favor del corazón
Para un conocido, un amigo, una hermana
Un compañero de escuela o un miembro de la familia.

Ne Pleure Pas, Mon Amour

Ne pleure pas, ne pleure pas, mon amour
Si tu pleures tes larmes vont m'étrangler
Si ti pleures tes sanglots vont me noyer
Dans l'abime des émotions. Au secours

Winter Must Be Around The Corner

The tall trees are sad, pale and nude;
And the leaves are dry. There is no more food
On the branches for the birds. Some hungry squirrels
Are inspecting the abandoned barrels,

The President, As The Biggest Liar

When the president
Is the biggest liar
The biggest bragger
The biggest pedant

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