Hebert Logerie Poems

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I will respect you as long as you respect yourself.
If you behave like a jerk, like a damned self,
You will surely be treated like one.
We were all created by God, not by Satan.

Tomorrow Is Another Day

Tomorrow is another day to be strong,
Another day to hum a thankful song.

Tomorrow brings hope and happiness,

Spies Are Like Elusive Monsters

There exists a sea of monsters that we have neither seen
Nor imagined.
Sometimes, out of the blue, they popped-up on the scene.
Many times, we don’t need to look too far to see one.

Winter Must Be Around The Corner

The tall trees are sad, pale and nude;
And the leaves are dry. There is no more food
On the branches for the birds. Some hungry squirrels
Are inspecting the abandoned barrels,

It’s Pitiful And Humiliating To Hate

Hate is far more than the opposite of Love,
It is an awfully mournful feeling of destruction, of
Evilness, of selfishness, of a negative passion
To harm or maim our fellow men or women.

Live To Leave And Leave To Live

Leave them alone
Let them sing their song
The song of the strong
Let them live

Amour Puéril

Toi et moi étions comme deux bichons à l’école primaire;
Nous nous querellâmes comme des soldats enfantins;
Nous nous disputâmes pour les oiseaux dans l’atmosphère.
Mignonne, en d’autres mots, ces escarmouches arrivèrent pour rien.

To Be A Model

You do not have to be belle,
Beautiful and wonderful,
To be a successful model,
You must be simply natural,

It’s The Glamour

It is the glamour, my amour,
Your sense of style, and your smile.
The way you stroll daily on the aisle,
And the image that you flash that I adore.

Arrivederci, Mignonne

La decisione è presa. Domani, andrò.
Non so ancora dove mi farò atterrare.
Le mie borse sono ben organizzati,
Sono pronto ad affrontare da sola il mio futuro.

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