Hebert Logerie Poems

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A Fitted Homage To The Victims Of The Regime

The poor victims were our friends, sisters
Our brothers, parents, teachers
Our peasants, poets, writers
Our professionals, artists, farmers

Les Tigres Et Tigresses Savent Pleurer Aussi

(Ce poème est dédié à Maitre Michel Gros-Jean, mon jeune professeur de la classe maternelle, qui était lâchement tué par les criminels. Tes anciens élèves ne t'oublieront jamais. Aujourd'hui, je te dis mille mercis.)

Aujourd'hui, nous savons que les méchants pleurent aussi.

Hommage Aux Victimes Du Régime

Les victimes étaient nos amis, nos sœurs,
Nos frères, nos parents, nos professeurs,
Nos paysans, nos poètes, nos écrivains,
Nos professionnels, nos artistes, nos médecins,

Tigers And Tigresses Can Weep Too

(This poem is dedicated to Mr. Michel Gros-Jean, my young kindergarten teacher, who was cowardly and brutally killed by the bogeymen of the old regime. Your former students will never forget you. Today, I say many thanks to all the victims for their martyrdom and sacrifices.)

Today, we know that the wicked can weep too.

Old Age, Why, Why?

Old age, the passing of time! Why, why?
Why did you have to come?
Who invited you under the dome?
Why are you rushing to say good bye?

Jésus, Jésus, Dieu De Miséricorde

Jésus, Jésus, Dieu de miséricorde,
Quand viendrez -vous avec les cordes,
Pour amarrer les gangsters, les tortionnaires,
Les thuriféraires, les assassins, les sicaires,

Jesus, Jesus, God Of Mercy

Jesus, Jesus, God of Mercy,
When will Thou come with your ropes
To catch and cuff the gangsters, the torturers
The sycophants, the criminals, the false popes,

God Loves To Be Touched

God does not believe in royalty;
In his eyes, everyone is equal.
No one is immortal or eternal.
Say hello to a stranger. Wave to me;

No Coup D'État In America

The Almighty God is forever great.
With so much tension going on,
If America were a different plot of land,
We would have had a coup d'état.

Many Grand Juries Need Eyes And Ears

The victims of Police brutalities
Will not get any forms of justice,
Because most bloody grand juries,
Grand wizards cannot see. Without eyes,

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