Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Christmas Is Here Tonight

Let's write a bad poem about Christmas,
Before the Midnight Mass,
While we are sending best wishes to all on the planet.
This is it.

La Perte Des Vies Précieuses

Toutes les vies sont précieuses,
Avant et après les fêtes de Noël,
Avant et après la liesse des miels.
Toutes les vies sont précieuses.

Have A Heart, Human Beings

Have a heart
This is not a good way
To start
A new year

Somebody Is Shooting Our Children

Somebody is killing our children in Harlem
Somebody is using and abusing the system
To destabilize and destroy our communities.

Pain, Pain Knows No Race

Pain, pain knows no color
Pain, pain knows no race
Like your sibling, love thy neighbor
Let's make this world a better place.

All Creatures' Lives Matter

'Thou shall not kill, ' said the Bible.
This is no joke, this is not a fable.

All creatures' lives matter

Fools Will Be Full Of Molasses

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Fools will be full and always make a mockery
Of themselves. No need to surprise
When they cannot win the prize

Who's Counting The Days Left?

Who's counting the days left?
Everybody wants to see the new sheriff
Everybody wants to meet the new chief
Everybody wants to greet the new chef

Narren Werden Voller Melasse Sein

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren der Versammlung
Dummköpfe werden voll sein
Und sich immer verspotten
Kein Grund zur Überraschung

Los Tontos Se Llenarán De Melaza

Señoras y señores del jurado
Los tontos estarán llenos y siempre se burlarán
De ellos mismos. No hay necesidad de sorprender
Cuando no pueden ganar el premio

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