Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Laugh, Laugh

Laugh, laughter is good for you
Laugh with me, laugh at me
Laughter is good for humanity
Laugh with nature, with the dew

I Love The Poem And The Poet Equally

I regularly read the poem first
Before I enquire about the Poet
Because I don't like to be biased.
I do not prejudge like a faux prophet.

Power, Sheer Power

Power, sheer power
Don't be at ease
Power is not at the hour
What we think it is.

An Election Fraud

A narcissistic and grumpy candidate
Lost blunderingly a serious debate.
This bully is accustomed to mock history
And never wholeheartedly believed in charity.

Il N'est Jamais Facile De Dire Adieu

Les souvenirs disparaissent,
Mais ses tâches s'éternisent.
Au delà de ce que tu dis,
Je seraitoujours ton bon ami.

Never Easy To Say Adieu

The memories will fade away
But the stains shall remain.
Regardless of what you say,
I will be forever your man.

Es Ist Nie Einfach, Sich Zu Verabschieden

Die Erinnerungen verschwinden,
Aber seine Aufgaben ziehen sich immer weiter hin.
Über das hinaus, was du sagst
Ich werde immer dein guter Freund sein.

Nunca Es Fácil Decir Adiós

Los recuerdos se desvanecerán
Pero las manchas permanecerán.
Aparte de lo que digas
Seré tu hombre para siempre.

Nunca É Fácil Dizer Adeus

As memórias desaparecerão
Mas as manchas permanecerão.
Além do que você diz
Serei seu homem para sempre.

Non È Mai Facile Dire Addio

I ricordi scompaiono
Ma i suoi compiti si trascinano all'infinito.
Al di là di quello che dici
Sarò sempre un tuo buon amico.

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