Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
It Must Be Christmas Eve

The sky is well-lighted with bright stars
The streets are littered with shiny cars
The motorists are playing Xmas carols
The children are excited ‘cause Mr. Claus

Not Everyone Is Having A Merry Christmas

Not everyone
Is having a Merry Christmas
Not everyone
In the masse

All Stories Will Be Told

New and old
Stories are told
Nothing is secret
Under the stars

Ring The Bells For The New Year

Santa Claus has returned home
Little Jesus is now sucking his thumb
The Three Wise Men are rushing
To pay a visit to the Divine King

No Hope, No Life

If you're hopeless
You are essentially dead
Where you're lifeless
And you do not see red.

No Vida, No Esperanza

Si no tienes esperanza
Usted está esencialmente muerto
Donde no tienes vida
Y no ves rojo.

Time Is Always New

An un-stopped new second
Something new to send
A baby, I am told
Who does not grow old

El Tiempo Es Siempre Nuevo

Un nuevo segundo sin parar
Algo nuevo para enviar
Un bebé, me dicen
Quien no envejece

Constant Changes Are Part Of Life

As the world turns, it is experiencing
Constant changes, which are taking
Place all the time. If things don't change
Things go bad, rotten, spoiled, deranged

Haitian New Year's Yellow Squash Joumou Soup

Bon appétit to all my fellow Haitians and friends,
Who will be drinking, eating, savoring soup joumou,
Which is made of squash, neck bones, macaroni, oxtails,
Carrots, yams, celery, parsley, and countless vegetables.

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