James B. Earley Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Trump's Emotional....Quandary.....Perhaps

Of the pigtailed girl
A feigned disdain
…He pulls her hair
Cries out her name

Today’s....The Only…judgment Day

Atheism stares…..in wonder
Agnostics…know not whence
Christianity’s bigotry…cometh
….Its lack…of decent sense

Pounding...War Drums…from The Right

What’s up with Congressional obsession
…..Barack…having chosen…..his lot
Winning the war of nuclear aggression
……All…..without firing……..a shot

Hypocrisy’s Child

Sanctimonious it’s been
…..Abortions…the sin
Hypocrisy…thus born
With the child and then

Fiscal Conservatism - A Fiscal Fraud

Politics…..as witnessed
…Once intricacies discerned
All things…….considered...
And dire facts confirmed

Martin Luther King’s…..Final Dream

…Sitting Ducks…simply waiting…
Society in concert deemed it so
A People aware…yet complacent
…Centuries steeped in the know

Memories Are Made Of This.....

Couple months prior to my 2006 retirement from Robert Mondavi Winery, Mrs. Mondavi extended an invitation to me and seven additional guests of my choosing, to an elaborate dinner in my honor, hosted by she and Robert at their Wappo Hill home in the Napa Valley.

Thanking her profusely, I promised I’d get back with a guest list, and confirm the details at some point in the near future. What I’d not envisioned, was the throng of possible choices that would have given their right arm for the opportunity to dine with Margrit and Robert at Wappo Hill. I thought of the varied others throughout the years, which have paid tens of thousands of dollars to some charitable cause, just to exercise the very same privilege that I, in the company of a few friends, was about to gratuitously experience.

Muscovalley/Muskeyvalley Family Reunion 1992



Seeded Fate Long Sown

This…a tale of simple truth
…Seems life…itself….resisted
Years in close proximity lived
Not knowing such treasure existed

An Xterra From Hell - Nissan’s Menace To American Society

Author's Note:
'What is Sudden Unintended Acceleration (SUA) ?
Sudden Unintended Acceleration (SUA) is one of the most deadly automotive defects in history. It occurs when a car’s electronics cause the throttle to go wide open, making it impossible for the driver to return the car to idle if it remains in gear. It also severely limits the ability of the brakes to bring the vehicle under control - leaving the unsuspecting driver at the mercy of a runaway car. Thousands of people, including drivers, passengers, and innocent bystanders, have been killed or seriously injured in sudden acceleration accidents.'
~Sudden Acceleration Information Group

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