James Tipp Poems

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The Mire Of Despond

From the darkness everywhere I look seems light
In the darkness I have nothing to reflect that which is me
So I see only more darkness, I loose my value,
My sense of proportion, my identity.

Remembrance Sunday 2001

That war word, has been given meaning yet again,
As we meet in the shadow of the twin towers
Seeking to remember those who died
In what seems so long ago, freedom remains illusive.

The Reaper

In the land of plenty they’re dying
Lost in their profit and greed
They have no need of a saviour
Money meets all of their need.

Mystery In The Mist

This morning has an air of mystery
The spider’s web illuminated by the dampening mist
Decorates the bird table seen ghostly through the mist
The quiet stillness hides the summer sun

I Feel Like An Empty Box

I feel like an empty box,
Standing alone
Devoid of all content
Buffeted by the elements

Do We Know It All

In the silence of space the angels hover
Man cannot see so man does not bother
Things I can touch smell see or hear
Those are things that man holds so dear.

Whose Model

What am I?
This priest in the twenty first century.
To what am I called and how do I serve?
I followed His voice to live the gospel,

Drowning In My Own Ignorance

I feel that I am drowning in my own ignorance
Lost in sea of information that I never knew.
I considered that I had a doctorate in life
But realise that I have not even learnt to read.

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

I saw a man I did not like
Rejected all his ways
Cannot stand his attitude
Or some of the things he says

Easter Morning In The Twenty First Century

I have stood in total darkness
Without the redeeming glimmer of light
I have waited in the darkness for sight to come
The waiting was intolerable long and unfulfilled

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