Joanna Baillie Poems

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Hope And Memory

NAY , sister, what hast thou to boast
Of joy? a poor reciter thou,
Whose happiest thought is but the ghost

To The Lark

MOUNT , child of Morning, mount and sing,
And gaily beat thy fluttering wing,
And sound thy shrill alarms:
Bath'd in the fountains of the dew

To A Child

WHOSE imp art thou, with dimpled cheek,
And curly pate and merry eye,
And arm and shoulders round and sleek,

The Elden Tree

A FEAST was spread in the Baron's hall,
And loud was the merry sound,
As minstrels played at lady's call,
And the cup went sparkling round.

St. John Xxi. 1.

TOIL-WORN upon their wavy sea,
With empty nets and wasted store,
The fishermen of Galilee
Are steering cheerless to the shore.

Sir Maurice

SIR MAURICE was a wealthy lord,
He liv'd in the north countrie,
Well would he cope with foe-man's sword,

Sonnet 1

NOT love, nor war, nor the tumultuous swell
Of civil conflicts, nor the wrecks of change,
And duty struggling with afflictions strange,

Sonnet 2

A VOLANT tribe of bards on earth are found,
Who, while the flatt'ring zephyrs round them play,
On 'coignes of vantage' hang their nests of clay,

Sonnet 8

THERE is a virtue, which to Fortune's height
Follows us not, but in the vale below,
Where dwell the ills of life, disease and woe,

On Time

TIME sooth, since Time has been, has still sustain'd
The varied murmurs of each wayward mood,

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