Joanna Baillie Poems

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Written Under The Drawing Of A Flying Cupid

TRUST not yon little winged boy,
Tho' beauteous he appears,
Each rosy smile he yields thee now
Thou wilt repay with tears.

To Cupid

Child, with many a childish wile,
Timid look, and blushing smile,
Downy wings to steal thy way,
Gilded bow, and quiver gay,

The Merry Heart

I WOULD not from the wise require
The lumber of their learned lore;
Nor would I from the rich desire

The Moody Seer

'THE sun shines in a cloudless sky,
The lake is blue and still;
Up, Flora! on thine errand hie,

The Mother’s Remonstrance

HAST thou well my counsels weigh'd,
Shew me not that gay cockade;--
I have watch'd thy tender years,
With a mother's hopes and fears;

The Robber Polydore

O! HOLY Mary, hear the blast!
The elms 'twill overthrow,
Where, hung in chains, a murderer's bones
Are tossing to and fro.

The Sailor’s Departure

O, FRESH blows the gale o'er the wide mantling ocean,
And proudly the frigate repels the white foam;

The Season Of Life

LONG gone, for ever gone! the joys of Spring;
And Summer's brighter objects, riper cares;
Now Autumn's lingering train are on the wing,

The Ship’s Return

THOU com'st, fair bark, in gallant pride
Thy swan-white sails exulting spread;
Nor I the graceful triumph chide,

THE Monarchs of Europe, who prattle of peace,
Shall cease, from this night, to calumniate Greece,
The Moslems repent that they roused her to ire,

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