Joanna Baillie Poems

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Annan Water

WITH rapture, Annan! all exclaim,
Thy banks how varied and how gay!
Why should a name, well known to fame,

At Lake Thrasymenus

FIRST of invaders, Hannibal, thy name
Is proud as chief may claim, or man bestow,
For thy historian is the conquer'd foe,

Cameronian Dream

IN a dream of the night I was wafted away,
To the moorland of mist where the martyrs lay;
Where Cameron's sword and his bible are seen,

Chorus Of Greek Matrons

TIME, the Dawn of the Day. --SCENE, Cape Mastic, in Scio.
HAIL ! once again, great fount of life, and light,

De La Charite Pour Les Pauvres Prisonniers, Dieppe

YES , 'tis a year since last that plaintive cry,
'Pity the prisoners,' touch'd my wand'ring ear:
And now again their hat is lower'd from high,

Devon’s Poly-Obion

FIRST of Devon's thousand streams--
(Beside whose banks no poet dreams,
Since to her praise old Drayton fram'd

A Proud Lover’s Farewell To His Mistress

FAREWELL , thou haughty, cruel fair!
Upon thy brow no longer wear
That sombre look of cold disdain,

A Reverie

Beside a spreading elm, from whose high boughs

A Riddle (#1)

'TWAS in heaven pronounced, and 'twas muttered in hell,
And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell:

A Riddle (#2)

INSCRIB'D on many a learned page,
In mystic characters and sage,
Long time my first has stood;

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