John Bowring Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lord! I Believe

Lord! I believe: but if a doubt
Should shake my weak and wand'ring soul,
Let Reason drive the intruder out,

Death! Where Is Thy Sting?

Where is thy sting, O Death!
Grave! where thy victory?
The clod may sleep in dust beneath,
The spirit will be free!

To A Mother On The Death Of A Child

'Like morning dew
He sparkled; was exhaled, and went to heaven;'
That promise for the innocent was given,
And is divinely true.

Christian Unity

Keep the unity of spirit,
Keep it in the bonds of peace,
So alone shall we inherit
Hope, and truth, and blessedness.

We Walk By Faith, And Not By Sight

We walk by faith, and not by sight;
And if we ever go astray,
Do Thou, O Lord! conduct us right,
And lead us in our onward way.

God Omnipresent

Where'er the foot of man hath trod,
He feels the presence of a God:
Around, above, beneath,-where'er
His thought can reach, a God is there.

Doing Good

If the hours of life are fleeting,
Let those hours be well employed!
Working, resting, parting, meeting,
Life was given to be enjoyed.

Traveller's Hymn

I wander through a foreign land,
And still Thy love is mine;
And, guided by Thy gracious hand,
I feel that I am Thine.


Now tell me what is chivalry?
To battle in the foremost fight
For anything-for wrong-for right,
For some fair lady's scornful smile,

His Mortal Shall Put On Immortality

When shall mortal man be crowned,
Crowned with immortality?
Shadows here our path surround;
Nothing is reality.

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