John Chizoba Vincent Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Nigerian Dream 8

Fascinating atmosphere
Smiles on the faces of the poor
Equality before the law

Does He That Finds A Wife Finds A Good Thing?

She was to me; a punching bag,
I was to her a dirty underwears.
We fought everyday and night,
Nothing I do pleased her and hers please me not.

Helpless Not Lifeless

Under the Orji tree,
We lay helpless not lifeless.
We still look at tomorrow hopefully,
Though we may lay with our stomach'

I Wnt To Go To Church

I want to go to church to know
Why pastors doesn't preach repentence any more but
A sagging prosperity and miracle they preach.

What Has Become Of Nigeria?

What has become of Nigeria?
What has become of my country home?
What has become of those children littered there?
Is everyone there still alive or all are dead of Lassa?

You Sang To Me

Let's sit with the sun love, as the breeze
Blows gently towards our snowing hearts.
Let's paint our soul red and white for the season
Calls for intimacy between lovers and soulmates.

Evil Days

'God forbid', Life permits! !
When the pastors could no longer pastor
When the preacher could no longer preach
When the crusader could no longer crusade

A Befitting Farewell

Goodbye we say in the snow
Never shall we be forever now
My head is for you a space
As my space in life is your pace

Even Strong Men Struggle

Do not wear a weary face of lost,
Fight the good fight and continue fighting,
Beat around your failures and disappointment;
Don't beat down your soul in a hurry,

Man Madness (Double Acrostic)

Man, a fool in his kingdoM
Advancing his madness with a cold teA
Never shall man get well agaiN
Man made himself captive in place of freedoM

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