John Chizoba Vincent Poems

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A Tattered Call Of Life Treasure

'Hello, can you hear me? '
'Yes, I can hear you. Speak forth to my ears.'
'Now drop your ears to my mouth and hear, brother'
'Ok, here they are'

This Is Nigeria

This is Nigeria where every thief is honest;
Where every politicians are good yet, they are probe.
This is Nigeria where every students are wise.
This is Nigeria where every He-Goats smell not.

O'di Egwu


O' di egwu ihe anya na ahu
Odi egwu ihe isi na ebu

The Path Of Madness

We have come at the cross road between us
And we must choose the one to follow or
We walk together to our doom.
The choice to live or perish is in our hands,

To Juliana

When I hear your beating heart
Beat on my palms, I was calmed.
I hope they have not eaten deep into you,
I have many roses planted for your nose

To Matata

I once sliced my thought for you,
I bath the wind to cover the my pride.
You were in my palms when I wake
And never will I throw you away like an egg.

Love Not A Writer

Love not a writer because most
People thought writers are adorable,
Writers have no perfect heart as you see them.
Their hearts are afraid of rejection and always hide in their shells whenever they are discriminated in the public.

That Generation

That generation is messed!
It wasn't like ours years back;
The sky now bleeds like the tap,
The air wandered fruitless

The Woman In Me

It is the woman in me you punish,
Rest your moon that glitters on my soul
The woman in me will not accept you.
You disguest her like a rotten egg

Did You Call Me?

Did you call me a fool because I look like a saint?
Did you look at me like a bachelor because I look ill?
Did you call me a mallam because I am black?
What did you call me this afternoon?

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