Joseph T. Renaldi Poems

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A Caring Friend

When I'm in need of encouragement,
On you I can always rely.
I merely need to seek your help
And you are willing and standing by.

Hail To Autumn

Hail to Autumn at its very best
Before all the trees decide to rest.
The heat and humidity of summer finally past,
The chilly and frosty days will return at last.

Peace Everywhere

Peace, everywhere, peace today!
Peace in lands of scruffy trees and pine,
Peace in lands of olives and wine,
Peace in lands where peaks are white,

Retiring To A College Town

You can't go wrong retiring to a college town,
I did without any restrain,
Thinking of my exciting collegiate years,
My decision has not been in vain.

Once Upon A Spring Day

Once upon a Spring day,
The environment was such a beautiful sight
With the sky so blue and clouds puffy white,
The sun casting lustrous rays upon the lane

Autumn Fair

You long to see bright Autumn days,
With colorful leaves on yonder trees
In tones of yellow, orange and red
Before Nature's annual freeze.

Change Of Seasons

The Summer season gradually fades away,
Nature's way of bidding a humble farewell to all.
A change is seen as the leaves fade in unison
As the beautiful Autumn season comes to call.

The Fury Of Hurricane Katrina

Once upon a gloomy day in New Orleans,
Evacuate! Evacuate! was the urgent cry,
But many residents did not heed the warning,
And merely responded with a sigh.

Something About Christmas

There is something about Christmas,
In Santa Claus and twinkling trees,
In the joy and laughter of every child,
People kneeling in prayer on arthritic knees.


My darling.
The twilight shadows will soon fall,
I hear the bugle's shrill call,
And my thoughts are meandering far,

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