Joshua Aaron Guillory Poems

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Heroism—Never base your heroism on the hate and belligerence of those who are against you. Their opinions are as dead as K.K.K. members of the 1800s. I have done much work in the LORD. Trillions of dollars couldn't suffice as compensation for what all I have done, and am doing still. Nevertheless, people should honor and reward me with such things that are pleasing to me and would elevate my living conditions and lifestyle. However, society's failure to do their part has not, and will not, stop me from doing my part, which is doing God's will exceptionally, and perfectly as well. I do what I do, because I love to do it; and because I know it is right in God's sight. The information I've disseminated on my webpages alone is legendary (and most certainly a hundred percent true) ; whether or not people acknowledge it. GOD deems my works as being worthy of him. My words liberate, not degenerate. My words lift you up to paradise, and deliver you from the gates of hell (beneath or below) . You can't please God without perfection: so I suggest you digest each message of mine about perfection. Overcome your wimpy nature; overcome your comfort-zone debauchery; overcome your more-money-for-the-government mentality; and overcome the outrageous fear you have of me. I speak peace and blessings to everyone. May God continue to elevate you.—I hope you were blessed by this message. Have a wonderful and delightful day. Peace and Love! - Joshua Aaron Guillory

(October 26,2023,1: 23 P.M.)

Marriage—If you find yourself in bondage to a spouse; in bondage to a church; in bondage to a nation; or anything unsavory, for that matter; and of which you feel obliged to subject yourself to incessantly; then it is a clear sign you didn't, and still do not, commit yourself to GOD; or someone else does not or didn't: because you would, at least, have found spiritual or mental liberation from such, if not physical as well: that is, if you would have committed yourself (or be committed) to GOD. Ecclesiastes 7: 26 proves this, and declares it. GOD gives us the wisdom of freedom, if we submit to or follow his will. I feel no guilt for not attending any modern-day churches. I feel no guilt that I am not married to any of these present-day, trifling women. I feel no guilt that I am not a chauvinistic or die-hard supporter of the United States Government/Corporation. I'm always free; and, therefore, you see the freedom within me always filled in my works. GOD gives me the wisdom of Freedom. I am the Wisdom of Freedom manifested. And that is why I have never fallen, and never have fallen into the hands of the Enemy. I am inwardly rich, and in my mind I am a king. GOD determines my mind, and I determine my destiny: because GOD and I are one. If you find yourself financially poor, though you've done many a good work, using sufficient or godly wisdom, it's a clear sign your government or society is corrupt; not you. Joshua Turner, a great man, a few years younger than me, has done many great works, and has not received the true justice or remuneration he deserves for his good deeds. Since every good and perfect gift comes from Above, he deserves everything good we can conceive or know; likewise his brothers, and my brother and brothers, and mother, etc., also. That's certainly a me-too truth, too.—Earl Thomas the Third (III) , is a living legend, and heroical in the field or area of freedom.—It is only through my teachings, and my plans, that the world can and truly will experience world peace.—I pray this message blesses you. Have a pleasantly delightful day. Peace and Love! - Joshua Aaron Guillory

(October 27,2023,6: 21 P.M.)

With witty ignorance content,
The wretched and the negligent;
Who, if they leaned on my sweet truth,
Would manifest eternal youth,

Perfect new beginnings thrice better as God,
I mastered the game, without having a squad.
A meditation master meditates each day
And sees the noble truth in the most perfect way.

Yes, I'm blessed, and I'm living like an angel;
Yet the rest are stressed, because they entangle
Themselves in a mess through their own selfishness.
But I do what is best for my own happiness.

Do I apologize to anybody for anything? —No: because I never do, nor ever have done, anything wrong to anybody; it is only people's perceptions that are wrong, if they feel I have wronged them (or have done something wrong to them) .—As it pertains to emails, what's my response to government counterintelligence, or email tampering? One thing I will do soon, whether or not starting today, using either the same email service or another (or others) , is create at least two other email accounts. One of the email accounts will be specifically for my Mom to send me messages, for whatever reason she decides to… reasonably, of course. The other will be for two of my webpages, whenever I decide to put more quotations on them; which will be very soon. That way there will be no emails to respond to when I sign in, or log in, to my account. The two webpages are my Racism and White Supremacy webpage and my Gang-stalking and Mind-control webpage. Although I never view nor respond to any emails sent to me by others whenever I immediately sign in to my account—that is, if I am in the process, or signed in for the purpose, of sending messages either to myself for records or to others, for whatever reason, etc.—I eventually, in most cases, if not all, will after completing everything I wanted to (or intended) with my messages (which include or consist of prose, poetry, etc.) . I like no distractions, and I like no false accusations from others accusing me of getting the thoughts (I have) from their emails to me, etc. That is why I do anything in relation to their emails after completing everything with mine (namely, my messages which I have typed via email and subsequently have posted on my website and then sent to others and after posting it on another website) … which is what I mean in dealing with their email messages after finishing everything with mine (my messages) … then I will eventually proceed to any emails sent to me from anyone, etc. Yesterday after sending my message via email and posting it on my website (or about-me webpage) , including to several email addresses (of people or organizations) , but not yet to everyone or every organization I send my messages to, God told me to go to my Inbox, not to view the email messages themselves, but to see who had sent me messages, and the last name of one of the two people… was Bacon. Normally, I don't even view the name or names of people or organizations until after I have completed everything I've intended to with the specific message of mine (as I have stated in this message already) . After completing everything with that specific message of mine yesterday, I eventually went to my inbox, and while viewing the names of the two people… who sent me messages, the last name was now changed from Bacon to Boston of that particular individual… The other person was my Mom. I first viewed her messages, and then responded to her shortly thereafter (with a new message Subject) . And then I viewed the email message of that guy… and then responded to him with a new message Subject also. Both of my email-response messages were (are) kind and friendly.—If you don't like the kind of messages people are sending you, and there is no opt-out option from the person or organization, etc., and your email service provides you the ability to block that message, or messenger, what do you do? In your case, it may be to take advantage of the ability to block them with whatever block option, or options, your email service has provided you. My messages are God-sent, so I don't provide any block option. For me to provide one, would be the same as denying man space or air. My words are the gospel truth: things you need to know, for your well-being and the well-being of all.—Whenever, and after, I type this message via email, I won't view anything from that Bacon or Boston guy. That's not to be hurtful to them, or him. They (he, etc.) said nothing about not wanting to receive messages from me, though they may have been leading up to that, or implying it. Maybe sometime in the distant future I'll know of the messages they have sent to me (if, of course, they send, or have sent, any, since yesterday; namely, of the one I have spoken of in this message) . He's a part, or acting on behalf, of an organization; or so it appears.—So-called white people are about presentation, seldom about power; nor about power in the presentation. The power I refer to is true power, not delusional power. No, I'm not talking about Entergy, a counterintelligence company for the government.—To all people, and especially to so-called Black people, don't slow down for white people, when it's not truly necessary to do so. It may be necessary in traffic, while you're driving, or riding in, a vehicle, etc., to slow down, but not in everything (or in every situation) . As robots, many whites, and other people, have given their minds over to white supremacy, because they feel they are profiting, or will profit, from it.—You don't have to be a Facebook-junkie to meet people, or have relationships. One reason why I'm talking about Facebook in this message is because of blocked messages. Namely, pertaining to email messages. I haven't used (or been on) Facebook in years. I wanted to explain that before I proceed on to why they pertain to emails and blocked messages. If you block messages, or messengers, your email service may just put the messages from them in a spam folder. And sometimes they may even put a message from the blocked email address in your inbox folder.—In my message yesterday, when I said I heal through kindness, although that can apply to me healing me, or other people healing me, or God doing so, etc., through such, I meant primarily I heal others through my kindness. I'm always whole. And I'm always healthy—Thanks to God! —Whites, whether you know it or not, especially those higher up on the control-ladder, are in a constant state of trying to equal or surpass the ancient Egyptians. Because they realize, though they greatly conceal this from you, that whatever those from Kemet did back then is closest to what is approved by God, even still today. They may, and do, model things done from all those considered the ancients, but primarily it is the Egyptians they most fear, dislike, and admire. I'll put it like this: if Enoch was translated to God (or Heaven) , it is clear he was of the manner of the ancient Egyptians. To be concise, he was either a Black African, Black Indian, Black Chinaman, or Black Arab, or someone of those peoples. And if he was not one (person) , he was several or many (people) . No one today can manifest such if they are caught in the knowledge-without-faith game (of) today. That's another bogus method of New-Age groups to subject you to their only-what-you-can-see-today-or-presently-done-by-us-or-from-us white supremacy is true, although such is not true, but false. Their mingling of science with religion through politics is to reduce you to their power or control. The ancient Egyptians believed in faith and believed in knowledge: they knew faith, and they knew knowledge. Faith is the power in (the) knowledge, just as knowledge is the power in (the) faith. King James was scared of witchcraft and angel-communication for a reason, and not just because he was a so-called superstitious dummy. Modern-day science (or scientists) cannot disprove angel-communication. Why? Or how come? Because their method of trying to disprove it includes gang-stalking or harassment from the government (among other things) : it's a forced-disproof—and in that way, they can never validate anything to disprove humans communicating with, or seeing, angels; their disproving comes from denying, or trying to deny, a person from the peaceful atmosphere or sufficient environment (or condition) which would enable that person or persons to have greater contact with angels. I'm still successful in seeing and communicating with angels, but I would be even more so, without all the government-gang-stalking-or-harassment directed towards me.—I know that the government, and society that participates with them, do things like changing names and messages, and also adding them after, to fit with the messages of those they dislike or try to gang-stalk or harass (as well as destroy) . They used to do this to me on a website I was on. I said some things about them, exposing their falsehood. And shortly thereafter, they began creating and changing messages to fit with the content, poems, or prose, I would publish on that website. In other words, if I published a poem one day, the next day I would publish another poem, and they would create comments (messages) that would mimic the poem I created the next day, but their comment or comments were responses to my poem the previous day. But their comments were always after I signed off, and never when I was on the website viewing my poems or any comments they placed below. Most times, if not to some degree all, they would just have it appear they made comments, and then they would change the words to fit my poems, etc. They knew that I didn't read any of their comments until after I published my poem for that day. So the next-day poems I published would happen or come first—then I would view any comments they may have sent me—so they realized that all they had to do, in connection with email services, which have since (then) been proven to work with or for the government, and falsify things, is change the messages to have them fit with my poem of the next day. I wanted to include this information in connection with that Boston guy and the current email service I use, etc.—Also, realize that it takes more than several minutes for me to type messages like this one; sometimes even more than an hour (or hours) . So imagine, if you will, and if you're honest, how much time they have to plagiarize or copy what I type in my messages. I do make sure I always save drafts of every message I type which I have beforehand composed prior to email—for the sake of records. There are many drafts to this message, to have a greater chance of me preventing plagiarism from those false members of society. This way there is less chance for them to steal my information and re-present it as their own; although they have the people and skills to enable them to still do such, and to fake dates or times, as they have done many times in the past. It can take seconds, and even less than a minute, for them to create or fake a website and the information on it to fit with something I am typing at the time (or have recently typed) . They have enough people always ready to do that. So I have been sure to give you the exact time of this message as October 31,2023,5: 38 P.M., of its having been composed by me. And there are people in your family, like your Dad, for instance, who they may give permission to, to view your emails, etc., whether or not that is the case with you. People in your own family sell out to (or so-called comply with) the government against you, if you're someone who is being gang-stalked or harassed, etc., by the government. I will discuss more about this in the future.—Victory always for me. I pray victory always for you, too. I hope this message blesses you. Have a wonderful and delightful day. Peace and Love! - Joshua Aaron Guillory

(October 31,2023,5: 38 P.M.) [or sign/signed on to] [or not in every situation] [or for years] [or your spam folder] [or the spam folder] [or as a part of your Inbox folder] [or forced-disprovement] [towards/at me] [or use to] [do/does things] [or so-call comply with]

Ancient Kemet—look what they've done;
Just like me, still they're number one.
True power is humanity,
Not Caucasian insanity.

Disrupt their weak plans, and learn to misbehave:
Many things deemed bad are in fact good and safe.
Be faithful to Fortune, and to Perfection be wed;
Poverty makes a wretched person desire to be dead.

As Venus to the Sun and John to the Nazarene,
If you want to be a boss, follow lead as a team.

- Joshua Aaron Guillory

Love is not my sin, because I'm wiser than all hate:
Banish me to any place and life will still be great.

- Joshua Aaron Guillory

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