Katherine H. Belle Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Night That All Innocence Was Lost

There are nights when you cross my mind
Not often, but enough to keep your memory alive
Your face forces itself upon my spirit
On nights when I lay in bed

A Bird In Flight

Your laugh rides on the back of the wind
Like a bird with her wings spread wide
soaring on the waves of an early spring breeze
and perches herself upon my listening ears

The Fixer

I am a fixer
I am the secret keeper
I am the keeper of light
And I can iuminate the night

A Spring Love

Take my hand and leade me
to a place where the sun
shines so brightly
that my eyes should


I should ask you to question
The shadows
That the clouds cast
Upon your skyward turned face

Citrus Blossoms

I can see once again the home that i have never known
The blind now with sight, stand in awe
the scent of Citrus blossoms fill the air
and the ocean breeze carries with it

Shadow Lurker

Sparrowhunter am i
Lurking in the shadow
The dark hues of night envelop me
Blackness eats up my sound

Kiss Me

Kiss me now.
Tell me all the things I long to hear.
Tell me that I am beautiful.
Tell me that you want me.

The Waves Of A Woman's Soul

There is a certain sadness behind her eyes
I can see there, the deep blue oceans waves
Lapping ever so gently
Just beyond her tear filled lids

With This Kiss

With this kiss
I hope you feel happiness.
I hope you feel a sense of being whole.
With this lingering kiss

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