Maria Frances Cecilia Cowper Poems

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Where Has My Ambition Led Me?

E'EN to the height of God's eternal throne,
Where my affections, my desires, are gone.
No view of this frail, fleeting scene of things,

Written In Sickness

FREELY I to God resign
Whatever is accounted mine;
Seeking only to be blest
In his love's eternal rest.

The Necessity And Use Of Affliction

SAY, would the teeming earth its treasures yield,
Or grateful plenty crown the smiling field,
If bright'ning suns unceasing warm'd the plain,

The Retrospect

COME, Holy Spirit, love divine,
Thy cleansing power impart;
Each erring thought and wish refine,
That wanders near my heart.

The Return

I HAVE seen thee again, my beloved,
Thou art come in the pride of thy youth,
With thy beauty a garment about thee,
In thy mantle of truth :

The Soul's Farewell To Earth, &C.

FAREWELL thou restless world, whose unsound joy,
False hopes, and vain pursuits, man's life destroy;
Poison in golden cups thou gav'st to me,

The Splendid Vision

While the whole world is filled with noise of battle,
And cries from many a devastated land,
While day by day our bravest and our dearest

The Watching Dead

In God's good time this agony shall cease
And gentle peace return. But stark and numb
Some lie beneath Caucasian snows, and some


BE hush'd my tongue, nor murmur or complain;
With pious awe the struggling tear restrain.
Dark is my path and intricate my way,


It cannot be that having seen the day
We should endure the tyranny of the night ;
For if we have not sinned against the light,

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