Md. Ziaul Haque Poems

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Loving You From The Distance

I keep loving you,
Even if you are far so,
As the sun's love for the earth does begin,
Leaving a huge gap within.

My Childhood Memories

I had a childhood,
Full of bitter-sweet memories,
I can't help thinking of my friends, good,
Ever turned up performing sweet responsibilities.

I Am Your Shadow

I am your shadow, yes I really am,
Escape from me is never possible,
Since my soul feels at home inside your soul's realm,
Ask the moon and the gentle breeze, my heart is visible.

I Can'T Live Without You

They say that poets are emotional,
A statement I can't dare to disagree,
Since my emotion for you is something eternal,
The nature of which has made me thy ardent devotee.

শুভ নববর্ষ

চল মোর সাথে,
জাগে নব প্রাণ যেথায়,
স্বপ্ন দেয় হাতছানি প্রতি মুহূর্তে।

Paper Is The Land Where I Sow The Words!

I sow the words in the paper,
Almost everyday,
I know that like the real tree,
The words shall bear fruits later!

I Want To Discover You

I hardly know you,
Like a researcher I want to explore you,
Your mind, body and beyond,
Bit by bit, second by second!


Where are YOU?
I have been asking this question,
For millions of times,
Yet the answer I do not know!

O God! Please Grant My Prayer!

O God! Please grant my prayer!
Please grant my wish,
I have been striving hard for this,
I do not long for any ‘vanity fair’!

My Epitaph

Here lies the man peacefully,
Whose name was synonymous with reverie,
The wheels of optimism led him on and on,
A generous, emotional and humane person.

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