Hit Title Date Added
Corona's Real Cruelty Is Absolutely Unbelievable Globally.

Undoubtedly Corona challenges
Our whole existence everywhere,
No one ever is able to overcome
A virus that is really deadly,

Corona Wrestles With All Of Us Endlessly Globally.

We are all absolutely
Under fire from
The so-called"Corona" endlessly
For endless reasons,

Tired Souls Are Everywhere.

Only tired souls
Keep looking for
Those safer havens
Anywhere and everywhere,

Life Versus Death Anywhere And Everywhere Globally.

Flowers and roses are
The symbols of life while
Tombs and graveyards are
The symbols of death,


Criminal minds greatly
Are anywhere and everywhere,
Undoubtedly evil-doers are
Planing for the worst,

Corona & Unemployment Globally.

Many and many
Have lost their jobs
Here and there
Due to Corona's pandemic

The Brilliant Moon

The moon shines everyday Like a beautiful thing. I see its pretty face reflected in the sea water. Hovering all the time like a bird. Pretty and brilliant if compared to I love. Indeed the moon is brilliant and is shinning beautiful. I sat near a rock watching the moon hopeful and optimistic. I talked to the moon lonely saying; 'You are my love - a

The Unexpected Dream

Something trivial happened early yesterday And then it turned into a larger unexpected thing Everyone is talking about it now. A thing happened small and turned bigger. O My God.What is it? Can anyone tell me, what's going on now? Everyone is busy involved in his affair. Rumurs spread like fire. Tittle-tattle everywhere like

Maryland - The Pretty Bride

O Maryland! You are the the most beautiful Among all your sisters. The fallen leaves of MD Are the address of your beauty. The creeks run here and there Adding more beauty to that of yours. Nature is in MD For that it inspired to me All the time to write and express Myself in your lots.

My Mother's Day

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