Hit Title Date Added
Good Deeds Or Bad Deeds?

If we count our good deeds With
Our bad ones anytime, then
We will be able to judge ourselves
Anytime, anywhere, and even everywhere

اذا ماعددنا اعمالنا الصالحة مع
اعمالنا الطالحة في اي وقت فمن ثم
سنكون قادرين على ان نحكم على انفسنا
في اي وقت و في اي مكان و في كل مكان

Honesty Versus Dishonesty Anytime, Anywhere, And Everywhere

There is nothing pretty
Like honesty
Simply because it leads
To all that is good,

To Look For Oneself

We don't find ourselves
Anywhere and everywhere
Simply because we are no
More at all and even for

To Look For Oneself Anywhere And Everywhere

We don't find ourselves
Anywhere and everywhere
Simply because we are no
More at all and even for

لا نجد انفسنا
في اي مكان و في كل مكان
لأننا ببساطة لم نعد موجودين
ابدا و ختى لأبد الآبدين,

To Die Means To Pass Away Anytime ******

As we know it,
Means to pass away
Physically and spiritually

كما نعرفه
يعني ان نمضي بعيدا
بالجسد و بالروح

Faraway Dreams Are Not Attainable Anytime ***

Our pretty dreams have turned into
Those ugly and horrible nightmares
That we see with our naked eyes and
We hear them with our pretty ears

لقد تحولت احلامنا الجميلة الى
تلك الكوابيس القبيحة و الفظيعة
التي نراها بعيوننا المجردة و
نسمعها بأذاننا الرائعة

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