Hit Title Date Added
We Are

We are merely IDS and numbers, Passports, fingerprints, and some Other things if someone wants to know, We are the weakest creatures on earth though we Behave like we're the strongest on earth, We are merely statues or like statues because We're unable to change our world into a better world,

Nothing Dies As Long As We Pursue It

As long as someone pursues His or her right, then that Right will not die for ever and ever Because nothing dies as long as we pursue it Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere.


Suicide is to kill oneself By his or her will for a reason or For no reason anytime and anywhere, It is a self-murder which is not legal By anyway, by any reason, or by any will, It is a crime against someone who kills

A Pretty Nation Is Bleeding

There is a pretty nation that Is bleeding rivers of blood or Rather oceans of blood because A monster put its knife in its Heart to revenge for no cause or

The Influx Of More Displaced Into The Unknown

They left their pretty houses, but Not with their will, They walked in the heart of darkness Into the unknown world, They went out without pretty memories, But with sad memories left them inside,

The World Of An Ugly Mosquito (A Tyrant)

A tiny mosquito is like An ugly dictator does not Care if we suffer from its biting Because it cares only about sucking Our blood to feed itself on it and so An ugly tyrant or a dictator sucks all our bloods to To feed himself on them anytime and anywhere, so A mosquito is ugly, but a tyrant is uglier Because each tries to

Mass Graves Of Humanity

Today not like yesterday Because a criminal or a tyrant Is not satisfied with the killing Of a mosquito, but he is ready to Kill the whole humanity in mass graves Just to replenish his rotten mind,

Mutual Love

I love her and She loves me, so We both love each other And this love is called mutual Because each side loves the other side. اعشقها و تعشقني و لهذا


Words become like bubbles When we just say nonsense. When everything becomes like A bar of soap in which we wash Our hands all the times. Only bars of soap can produce Pretty bubbles without end. Bubbles fly out of the cup


Happiness hovers in my mind and in my soul Until I am fully replenished with my full joy. It's the top pleasure within me and all my Feelings in a moment I realize I deserve it.

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