Hit Title Date Added
Flowers Versus Wars Anytime, Anywhere, And Everywhere

A flower that smells good
And it looks good is better than
A war that smells bad
And it looks bad...

Twenty-Nineteen Is Going To Be Here.

Old years never come back
For many and many reasons
And new years come gladly
Just to tell us that life

Love Versus Hate

Love is always great
Simply because it is never
Hand-in-hand with hate...
They never meet

A War Is Not Peace At All

Peace is not a war and
A war is not peace
Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere
Simply because there is no way

Indoors & Outdoors

Everyone is indoors, but
No one is outdoors
Simply because it is very and
Very cold around,

Death Is A Must.

The More We Come, The More We Go

Please, come and go
Just to be or
To be not,
The more you buy,

Life's Pretty Novel Amid Life's Storms

Life starts with everyone From the pretty moment of his or her pretty birth Because everyone has a life's novel amid life's storms, It is what you start your life with
Like you start to be such and such and so on or You choose to be a well-known so and so amid life's
Changes or circumstances anytime, anywhere, and everywhere, Your life's novel depicts every detail that happens

The Real Size Of Corona Is Still Not Figured Out Yet.....

We are all afraid of
Corona absolutely
Although we are unable
To see it

Corona's Real Impact On All Humanity

There is not doubt that
Corona is a great enemy
That aims at destroying us
Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere,

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