Hit Title Date Added
Many Pains And One Hope

Their pains are infinite, but They have one pretty hope left for them, All pains and sufferings surround them from all directions Except that hope that is starting to appear, They suffer on

الربيع جميل و معطاء, ففيه هناك كل شيء جميل من فواكه و خضراوات, نأكل العقابية الخضراء التي تزن كل حبة فيه اوقية, نأكل الحماض الاخضر (الحميضة) و نأكل الاكيدنيا الجميلة

A REED PIPE AND A DRUM مزمار و طبل

Your Pretty Imagination

Had you got pretty imagination You would have conquered the world, If you got pretty imagination, You would conquer the world, but If you have pretty imagination, You will conquer the whole world. It's your pretty imagination that Decides the way you're in the world.

The Coming War Smells Ugly Gunpowder

Any war does not smell Pretty or fragrant, but To that great extent it Smells ugly gunpowder Anytime and anywhere, Everywhere it smells ugly And nasty anytime, The ugly smell of war is All gunpowder and the smell of

Sos (Save Our Souls)

Strike While The Iron's Hot Anytime

Any skilled blacksmith strikes While the iron is hot, but a hesitant Blacksmith will be useless and in vain, Some want to strike strongly, but they They don't have the courage and will, Striking means only in words and not in Actions because they're greatly coward, Not anyone has the courage and will to Be active and useful in life

The Death Of Humanity

I am alone in a nasty tent Dying like a roach in the Unknown land because no one cares About me, so I can say with my Death the whole humanity will die Inevitably and surely anytime.

A Silver Bullet

Only an ugly silver bullet Can kill a pretty soul because The other nasty bullets don't kill, Only a silver bullet can perish An innocent soul somewhere on earth, Only a superstitious silver bullet Can turn a sweet soul into a deadly one,

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