Hit Title Date Added
The Death Of Humanity

I am alone in a nasty tent Dying like a roach in the Unknown land because no one cares About me, so I can say with my Death the whole humanity will die Inevitably and surely anytime.

A Silver Bullet

Only an ugly silver bullet Can kill a pretty soul because The other nasty bullets don't kill, Only a silver bullet can perish An innocent soul somewhere on earth, Only a superstitious silver bullet Can turn a sweet soul into a deadly one,

A Sad Passer-By

Wherever I go
I am merely a passer-by
In this great and wide world,

A Monkey Wrench

Criticism And Self-Criticism

There is something called criticism, There is something else called self-criticism, There is someone called a critic, There is someone who likes to criticize, There is someone who likes to be criticized,

Only Fire

Only pure fire purifies the bad in hell Only pure fire was made for the bad souls Only pure fire washes the evil doers with its flames Only pure fire waiting for the mean people

The Pretty Refugees' Bad Ordeals

The worst ordeals is That when you don't know What to do with what's Going around you and everyone Looks at you carelessly in A world greatly lacks any Moral values towards These poor refugees and their

I Am Alone Forever

If every time I want to be with someone I fail in my attempt because It is my fate like this and my hard luck too, I am alone in my feelings and in my emotions Because I did my best to be out of it, but I failed greatly and gradually in everything,

Bad Time

I am not bad, but I am in a bad time Because everyone and And everything have Turned different, I am not bad, but I am in a different Age in our time,

I Love You Too

I love everyone and Everything, I love the fallen leaves of Maryland and its pretty creeks, I love the pretty Washington And its pretty buildings, I love Latakia and its pretty

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