Hit Title Date Added
The Pretty Shadow Of A Poor Tent

To be in a poor tent is better than begging the door of an embassy,
To be in a dark tent is better than begging the door of a kingdom

Our Pretty Alleys (زواريبنا الجميلة)

The pretty alleys were born in us and We were born beautifully in them, We are the pretty sons of the pretty Alleys with pride and with love, Our pretty alleys inspired us to sing, Inspired us to love, and inspired us to live, We love our alleys like we love the Pretty stars and the pretty

The Red Line (الخط الاحمر)

There are red lines in our life Here and there, There are red lines that mean More what they are, Red lines might be any normal red Lines, but they mean different things, The traffic lights have a red line, The sun's pretty setting looks like A red line or the pretty

وجهك الجميل الوضاء يعبر عن نفسه بنفسه فأنت الملكة و انت الحب و انت الامان انت مدينة المدن و اميرة الاميرات

A RED EYE (عين حمراء)

A red eye is a term or a word To show one's seriousness and One's real persistence in dealing With people or dealing with things.

Rasha Loves Damascus

Not only the wonderful Rasha loves Damascus, But everyone loves it including me Because Damascus is pretty and beautiful To everyone anytime and everywhere on earth. Love is not anything normal, but it is Something that astonishes me and everyone.

Over And Over In A Pretty And Hard World

The Inevitable End Of A Dead Tyrant And His Tyranny

I am an ugly tyrant and I know I am going to die badly Because my whole people will Step strongly on my dead body. I am dead and I am alive, but I am both dead and alive in my People's eyes and in my eyes. I died a long time ago because My death had been announced

Fajr's (Dawn's) Pretty Name (اسم فجر الجميل)

Mohammad and Leila had a pretty kid called Fajr Which greatly and wonderfully means Dawn,
They gave their new-born baby that pretty name To look at him thankfully to feel the pretty dawn In their pretty house behind the bakery's, and Everyday they pray God for having a pretty kid Like Fajr whose beauty is like the pretty sun.

A True And Pure Love

Only a pretty woman and a pretty man shape Two lovely and pretty hearts, Two pretty eyes, Two pretty mouths, Pretty and nice hands, and

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