Hit Title Date Added
I Am Living In A Grain Of Sand

Only a pretty grain of sand Is my pretty kingdom because I don't feel I have any pretty Place in our current world, Only a pretty passing cloud Accepts me to ride its pretty


With my naked eyes, In front of the UN offices Here and there, I see the horrible sufferings And the painful pains of the pretty Refugees asking for some help To themselves and to their pretty families,


You can assassinate my body, but You can not assassinate my pretty pen, You can assassinate my pretty words, but You can not assassinate my pretty thoughts, You can assassinate my steps, but You can not prevent me from walking, You can turn my life into a real hell,

A Pretty Test

God gives money not to keep it, but To test you with it, You say I made it, but God gives it to you to test you, Money is a big test for you Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere, It's your choice whether to save it, to give it, To spend it, or to give it to

A Small Talk About Our World

It is better for our world To go to bed and turn off All lights behind it now, Our world is not doing good About anything and everything, Everyone is complaining about Our world's performance and about Its competence anytime and anywhere, There is no doubt that

A Spike Of Grain In A Pretty Spring

If all the pretty year becomes Spring all the time, then we We will get spikes of grain all The year around greatly and Wonderfully anytime and anywhere.

The Up-Side-Down Image Of The World Around Us

Our world has one image Which is clearly seen to everyone Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere Except to the deaf, dumb, and the blind people, This image is clearly called the Up-side-down image which is bad and painful, This image looks like the waste land or An image of an earthquake or a disaster, and in a word It is the

Lost In This World

I am fully lost in our world Because I don't know what to do To my pains and sufferings amid These huge pains and headaches which Are permanent and everlasting, I am like a piece of rock or a piece Of stone on a corner or in a missing land Which can not be seen, but hardly in the The clear

A Melancholic World

Our world is melancholic And if a certain doctor tries To diagnose its melancholy He will say that our world has A great rate of melancholy due To a lot of problems here and there, Melancholy is a bad thing and if Someone or something is

Much Ado About Nothing

A clean street with a broken Card box put on the sidewalk As a pretty mattress is better Than all UN's help and support To any poor refugee anywhere, A pretty street is better than All their ugly tents and their Ugly mattresses in no man's land, People are suffering too

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