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Nasty Talks

All pretty refugees Who are suffering worldwide Denounce and condemn all the World's complete oblivion towards Them anytime, anywhere, and everywhere. Nasty talks allege that they help these Poor and thrown refugees, but in fact These are big lies from big liars, Had you


Nobody likes to be criticized Simply because some portion of people Feel that they are always right, Nobody wants to be criticized Because he or she feels that Someone is attacking someone else, To criticize is simply to adjust A saying or action for better, but It's difficult to convince

The Word 'Amal' Means Hope

The pretty Amal means Hope that brings something To us which we lost it Some time in the past or It will bring us something We're waiting for anytime, It is our pretty Amal that Will light our ways for A better life and for a better World anytime and anywhere, We're greatly

The Cruel Voice Of The Cruel Injustice

Injustice speaks louder than any pretty justice On our pretty earth everyday and every night
Due to the ugly absurdity of our world's blind Double-standards the prevail around us anytime,
The word injustice kills me alive and kills me Dead because I can not tolerate it or resist it Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere on our earth, I swear God that we die because of this ugly word

Just A Smile

I am looking for just A smile In a grain of sand Or inside A piece of rock, but I can not find it Because it disappears Every time I want to catch it.

One-Eyed World

This world Which We Stand upon Is Greatly One-eyed Because it can see

We Are Not In A Time

Our time is not Like any other time, but It's a weird time In which Nothing cheers up or Pleases, No one is happy or Satisfied, Not a single word

When I Know

When I know my world I know myself immediately, When I know my thoughts I know myself immediately, When I my friends I know myself immediately,

If Sadness Comes

If sadness comes to your house, It will fill up everything in your life immediately, If it comes to your mind, It will fill it up immediately,

For Life

As long as I can breathe I can say I can go on in life, As long as I can think well I can say I can survive, As long as I can imagine a nice world I can say I can look forward, As long as I can optimistically look at the world I can say I can live, As long as I can be

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