Oliver Wendell Holmes Poems

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A Song Of

THE summer dawn is breaking
On Auburn's tangled bowers,
The golden light is waking
On Harvard's ancient towers;

The Angel-Thief

TIME is a thief who leaves his tools behind him;
He comes by night, he vanishes at dawn;
We track his footsteps, but we never find him

Spring Has Come

THE sunbeams, lost for half a year,
Slant through my pane their morning rays;
For dry northwesters cold and clear,

The Fountain Of Youth

THE fount the Spaniard sought in vain
Through all the land of flowers

A Song Of Other Days

As o'er the glacier's frozen sheet
Breathes soft the Alpine rose,
So through life's desert springing sweet
The flower of friendship grows;

Questions And Answers

WHERE, oh where are the visions of morning,
Fresh as the dews of our prime?
Gone, like tenants that quit without warning,

My Aunt

My aunt! my dear unmarried aunt!
Long years have o’er her flown;
Yet still she strains the aching clasp
That binds her virgin zone;

I HOLD a letter in my hand,-
A flattering letter, more's the pity,-
By some contriving junto planned,
And signed per order of Committee.

God Save The Flag

Washed in the blood of the brave and the blooming,
Snatched from the altars of insolent foes,
Burning with star-fires, but never consuming,

Homesick In Heaven

Go seek thine earth-born sisters,--thus the Voice
That all obey,--the sad and silent three;

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