Oliver Wendell Holmes Poems

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HERE! sweep these foolish leaves away,
I will not crush my brains to-day!
Look! are the southern curtains drawn?
Fetch me a fan, and so begone!


FULL well I know the frozen hand has come
That smites the songs of grove and garden dumb,

The Bells

WHEN o’er the street the morning peal is flung
From yon tall belfry with the brazen tongue,
Its wide vibrations, wafted by the gale,

Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve

YES, tyrants, you hate us, and fear while you hate
The self-ruling, chain-breaking, throne-shaking State!

Semi-Centennial Celebration Of The New England Society

NEW ENGLAND, we love thee; no time can erase
From the hearts of thy children the smile on thy face.

Scenes of my youth! awake its slumbering fire!
Ye winds of Memory, sweep the silent lyre!
Ray of the past, if yet thou canst appear,

Joseph Warren, M. D.

TRAINED in the holy art whose lifted shield
Wards off the darts a never-slumbering foe,
By hearth and wayside lurking, waits to throw,

No Time Like The Old Time

THERE is no time like the old time, when you and I were young,
When the buds of April blossomed, and the birds of spring-time sung!

Songs In Many Keys

THE piping of our slender, peaceful reeds
Whispers uncared for while the trumpets bray;
Song is thin air; our hearts' exulting play

Aunt Tabitha

WHATEVER I do, and whatever I say,
Aunt Tabitha tells me that is n't the way;
When she was a girl (forty summers ago)

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