00-The Colour In My Life Poem by Anthony D Bailey

00-The Colour In My Life

For Vicki W

Have I ever told you that I love you?
Or whispered how much I care?
Have I ever told you that I miss you?
When I turn and you're not there.

Sometimes it's hard to find the words.
And to say what's in your thoughts.
‘I love you' seems the easy option
But when I tell you it means so much more

You are the song that I always sing.
And you beat the rhythm of my heart.
You are the music of my life.
And have brought me harmony from the start.

I am content when we are together.
But will always long for your tender touch.
Your gentle squeezes and cosy snuggling.
I never thought I could love this much.

My hue was gloomy before we met.
Now brightened by your shade.
You are the colour in my life.
A rainbow of love that will never fade.

To me happiness was an illusion.
Until we met and I found bliss.
You bring contentment to my life.
And I'm filled with ecstasy when we kiss.

I shall be loyal and devoted to you.
You are the woman I adore.
With a passion that has no end.
I will worship you for ever more.

(April 06)

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