1,048 Miles Poem by Romeo Michael

1,048 Miles

1,048 miles away
So far yet you’re so close
Still wishing I could reach out and pull you closer
So I could feel your touch
Am I saying too much?
Or not enough to express how special you are
Your beauty is immeasurable
Your smile, unsurpassable
Everything about you equals perfection
Maybe one day me & you will become you & me
Day dreaming bout us watching the sun set together
Our fingers intertwined as your heart beats with mine
I’d let you lay your head on my chest so you can hear my heart beat for you
This just can’t be lust
I’m willing to put in work baby you have my trust
I’m nothing like your past
I will supply everything your ex's lack
I won’t let any other girl get me off track
Because I’m so focused on you, better yet us
If we were together I’d treat you like a queen
Give you everything in your wildest dreams
Just because, you're worth that and so much more
Only thing is this distance separating
But I won’t let that come between us
Because if I have to..
I will build a bridge and walk my way straight into your heart
Because 1,048 miles, just doesn’t seem so far away…

Tricia Dildine 20 December 2009

WOW! good poem. i know if i lived that far away from someone I loved, i don't know if I'd be able to do it, but i guess, if you truly love someone, it doesn't matter how far you are from them, you'll always love them.

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Sarah Cunningham 10 November 2009

=) i loved it teheh ur really good: D

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Tai Chi Italy 05 October 2009

No amount of distance is far, when it comes to loving and the advent of flight! lol Enjoying your romantic muse Smiling at you Tai

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