1) A Cordial Meeting From Brazil (From Songs From The Women Of The L.O.M.) Poem by Otradom Pelogo

1) A Cordial Meeting From Brazil (From Songs From The Women Of The L.O.M.)

A Cordial Meeting From Brazil

Holland has become one of my favorite stops when traveling to and from the US to the Middle East; and I usually stop, get a hotel, and take off into the streets of Amsterdam. My first stop will be a pub for either breakfast, and the extreme, having a late supper just before closing hours, to try and stay up and enjoy as much of the night as possible, therefore you can see why I return from vacationing more exhausted than when I left, sometimes taking off, well it wouldn't be the truth if I said sunrise, for I don't set the alarm, and usually roll out of bed when it gets too bright from an already risen and clattering Apollo, and the sounds that the maid makes, letting me know, that it's better to enjoy it while walking around until I can get the cobwebs out, rather than in, although pleasant, hotel room.

A late supper, my usual hot drink and a stroll through the streets of Amsterdam, like the streets of New York, Boston, Seattle or San Francisco; merging in with probably the biggest of the crowds and just going with the flow; a piece of pastry here, a small souvenir there, and the adventure continues. And always try sitting and enjoying people enjoying what the city of Amsterdam and life has to offer; enjoying the smiles of the pretty faces passing by. And it was there that I met a young lady from Brazil; who was either visiting or staying there, when she, though I was truly noticing how pretty she was, stopped and invited me to sit alongside of her, while I waited to get a bite to eat. And like the saying goes, that opposites attract; myself being as reserved as the average person if not more so, and she being what I would call sensuously cordial, for her invitation brought with it an incredibly beautiful smile, haloed with a even sweeter ambiance, upon delicious Brazilian caramel, and one of the warmest welcomes that I have gotten from anywhere I have been, probably in my life. And though it was only a short while that we sat there waiting on our order, I embarrassingly say that I spent practically the time we shared, admiring how beautiful she was. Added to that, before leaving she gave me an incredible and sensuous hug and a kiss that I was certain that I would never forget.

We've Learned How To Love
We are here together because
We've found out how to love one another
Ten thousand miles away, they are still my sisters and brothers
When I help my neighbors
It's really all the same, no matter who
If we promise the help we give is real, and what we feel is true

We found out how to love
If you're listening from above
We found out how to love

When we're done we can't just
Put the hammer and nails down and walk
We have to wake up tomorrow, work, dance, love and talk

We've found out how to love
If you're listening from above

We've been helped by those who came before
Who built the roads and left open the door
So now the fire has burned
So this is what we've learned
If you're listening from way up above
We've finally found out how to love

The first day a prayer would do
The second, just trying to be true
Now it's time to see if we can all get through
With the only thing left is a lil hope and virtue
But the story says, if we do our best
Then tomorrow we can do the rest

We are here together because
We've found out how to love one another
Ten thousand miles away, they are still
my sisters and brothers

We've finally found out just how to
live, work and love one another
Whether its a man woman or child
Swims, walks crawls or lives wild
So now the fire has burned
So this is what we've learned
If you're listening from way up above
We've finally found out how to love

1)   A Cordial Meeting From Brazil  (From Songs From The Women Of The L.O.M.)
Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: america,europe,friendship,romance
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