14 Steps Poem by AnnaLeigh Jones

14 Steps

1st Step.
I've only moved one foot and lifted the other.
As soon as I'm done moving,
the ground behind me falls.
2nd Step.
I see the space that fell. Is there another?
Yes, I'm assuming,
But I haven't taken my
3rd Step.
I can feel more ground crumble underfoot.
Does it follow me,
or do my feet cause this breaking?
4th Step.
The ground falls again like dusty soot.
Is it one step behind me,
or am I one step ahead?
5th Step.
Just to test, and the same pattern persues.
Is this a game of chase?
Are my steps just too heavy?
6th Step.
Lightly this time, but by air the ground is subdued.
It muyst be too late
To turn around now.
7th Step.
A canyon formed between where I started and here.
This gap isn't my fault,
So I run to my
13th Step.
I ran till my vision fogged, so unclear.
And I hit a wall.
Nothing is left except my
Last Step.
Not a step, but a shuffle of my feet.
I have nowhere to go,
but the gound doesn't know that.
So I Fall.

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AnnaLeigh Jones

AnnaLeigh Jones

South Carolina
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