420 Spaces Poem by Reyna Cheyenne

420 Spaces

420 spaces
Spaces that take our lives
To make it look so vibrant
So wonderful and sweet
So they wont know at night we weep
In the morning we sweep up all the pieces
Put ourselves back together
we do all this to make others think
We’re strong enough to go further then expected
Because in the end
It’s not worth it
We do things that don’t matter
Hoping we will
So one day we can climb that ladder higher
To one day steal what we’re after
Happiness, because it doesn’t come in packages
Or on a silver platter
So we go back to Facebook or twitter
Just to feel like we get the happiness we deserve

Just to feel popular
We cake ourselves in make-up
So they wont see that he pushed us down the stairs
The bruises and scars
We cover them all
Just a little here and there
Hoping that people wont stare
But you wait and see
It’s not only us here
There are others
Who stand by and suffer
From then same things they did to us
They do what we all do
Back to the 420 spaces
Just to tell the world
That there okay
So nobody has to see our faces
Or the hurt in our eyes
So they sit there and type
And cry while hoping to die

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Reyna Cheyenne

Reyna Cheyenne

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