5/29/93 Poem by bob barci


I feel some congratulations are in order here.
After nearly six months
I’m finally writing something again.
It’s a beautiful, but windy, Saturday morning,
and here I am, sitting on the steps of a church in Meriden, Connecticut,
2 hours early for a wedding.
Cousin Beth is to become Mrs. Donlon.
Hard to believe
that even though
I’ve seen her every so often throughout her life,
the only picture I have of her in my head,
is of her not able to walk yet,
and holding on to the living room couch
trying to stand up without falling over.
The wind is a bit too much for me
and it forces me into the lobby of the church.
The lights are on inside
and of course I have to check out the place.
It is quite nice.
I approve.
I become aware that I am not the only one inside the church.
From up in the balcony,
someone starts to warm up and tune a musical instrument
A trumpet, I believe.
Now, with only an hour left till the ceremony is to start,
I wonder when the guests will begin to show up.
I heard that some of my relatives
are staying at a nearby Ramada Inn.
Having just arrived from New York City on an Amtrak train,
I have no idea where it is.
I just hope that some kind hearted relative
will give me a lift to the reception hall and then back to the nearby train station.
Well, that trumpet has been joined by the organist.
They sound quite good together.
Two women have arrived to put flowers on the alter and first few pews.
With just 15 minutes left to go,
the guests begin to show up.
I hitch a ride with cousin Kevin.
Beautiful bride.
Nice ceremony.
Great reception.
Even though I don’t dance,
I have a great time talking with relatives,
taking an entire roll of 36 exposure film,
and swiping small bottles of wine off the tables
when I think no one is looking.
I miss catching the bride’s garter belt,
but I don’t mind.
Now that the wedding is in the past,
I wonder when and where the next wedding I go to will be.

Dedicated to Beth and Tom Donlon

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