6) The Sonnet Of Beaumont, The Rooster, A Pear Orchard Poem by Otradom Pelogo

6) The Sonnet Of Beaumont, The Rooster, A Pear Orchard

Rating: 3.5

The Rooster

The time it was, I didn't know
When I began to hear the rooster crow

A sound that woke up years of my youth
Preparing to go out and find my own truth

After finding it in the years of my past
The crow of the rooster did also last

It has one more incredible thing
Like a virtuoso, it loves to sing

So to the answers I'll add one more part
The rooster is a part of my heart.

Sonnet of Beaumont

Beaumont, Texas was a small city on the Gulf of Mexico; one that I didn't leave until I had become an adult. But mixed with the hunger and fantasies of how the rest of the world looked, by the time I reached them, they all seemed to be magnificent and beautiful places.
For me, the world was created in Beaumont, a place where my foundation was basically created. In '86, I moved to Austin, Texas, which I soon found out was the center of the world. San Francisco and Oakland in '95 were as beautiful as they were in '91 when I left, so I called them the end of the world, which in an extremely beautiful place. Having found Oxnard and Ventura, California in '98 while trying to reach a freshly created goal to move back to the Bay, I called them the beginning of the world. And if I've forgotten to write it down, there isn't one place that I wouldn't have like to live or at least return to visit.

A Pear Orchard

A Pear Orchard can produce many great things
Like food, hope, and a beautiful place to live
Where I learned to take answers a quiet day brings
How to make friends, take good advice and give

Goliad is still the longest street I've ever seen
Although, there are some that run from here to the port
Each time with things that now mean
I have more to think about, but less to sort

Because I've learned to take my hometown with me
I can use those virtues to straighten out the day
Since Beaumont mirrors the rest of society
Whether in Port Arthur or back in the Bay

It's an incredible yet simple truth
That scholarship is the key to all things
As I look at the future and my youth
From learning to write, to my love the day brings

At school I vowed to make education
A perpetual goal no matter where
I would decide to travel to
Since learning requires few qualifications
Making a simple attempt the fare
Whether science, economics or virtue

These are the things the children must keep
On the road they have chosen to be right
If they are the same dreams they wish to reap
When working in the day or sleeping at night

I can hear the noonday siren clear tonight
Telling me names, places, and secrets to write

6)  The Sonnet Of Beaumont, The Rooster, A Pear Orchard
Monday, March 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: america
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