A Nightmare In Reality Poem by Jasmine Fafanyo Awagah

A Nightmare In Reality

Rating: 5.0

It is too late to fight
Too late to turn it all around and make it right
The sun is up but it is already night
Tears run down her cheeks as she cries out
'Arrgh! ' She screamed, again and again
Is his heart tougher than titanium that he cannot feel her pain?
If he was deaf I would understand why he did not hear her wail
If he was blind I would understand why he did not see her tears rain
I see him not as man but as a creature with a tail
But in the act he had the mouth to say 'sorry, don't worry' in chains
I cannot believe the spirits did not let his heart fail
Blood is everywhere, I thought it was a stream
Again and louder, louder I heard her scream
Her tears grew waves like the sea
overflowing the waters in my eyes at the scene
She used to be as clean as white
but now painted red like a scarlet
Even nature herself cried along with the poor belle
I wish the sun will rise and it was all not real
He deprived her of the pride of womanhood at twelve
Now he bows his skull and look at himself
I pray we the youth of today will wake up this day
and this nightmare will be a mirage far away
Our nightmare, Rape - Defilement

Calvin Curdle 24 October 2013

Oh mine oh mine. I felt the pain that knifed her quivering heart. Seriously, this is my favourite.

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