A Sonnet Poem by nasibeh Daneshvar

A Sonnet

Rating: 3.9

I sing a sonnet for you,
to immortalize my love,
I sing a sonnet for you,
such ethereality as further memories,
such pureness as youth sights,
such beauty as smile's meaning,
I sing a sonnet for you,
to tell my infinite love after years,
may tomorrow be late,
I sing a sonnet for you...

Jake Erkens 15 March 2009

Whoa! Hey there, do you even know what a sonnet is? I am also in a poetry class like Jack Miller, and I am also only 15 years of age. This is just weird, entitling a poem 'sonnet' when it is not a sonnet. sorry, but I don't like it. However, I have read through your other poems and think that they are okay, and some are great. sincerely, Davke

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Albert Wong 27 September 2008

Elya Thorn, yes you are right, it is not a sonnet, because there are not enough 14 lines and without rhymes sounds in styles of Petrarchan or Shakespeare...cd, cd, cd; cdc, cdc, or cde, cde...so it is absolutely not a sonnet. But, I know you can write sonnets because there are so many in your site found...I appreciate for your poem very much..thank you for share.

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Jack Miller 06 March 2008

I am sorry to tell you that this is not a sonnet. I am only 15 and im in a poetry class. Yes i did enjoy the poem but no its not a sonnet. A sonnet must be 14 lines.

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Elya Thorn 04 February 2006

Wow, this has such a romantic kick into it that I so much enjoy. A great poem! ~~Elya Thorn~~

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