Mid Millennial dream.
I wake up in 1990 in a strange kind of way because I was in the year 2000 just yesterday.
Has I make my way out to the street I tell my story to a guy I meet.
Spread the word I shout about where I've been because 1990 to 2000 I've already seen.
Very soon a man is about to walk free after 27 years in captivity.
On the day his foot touches the other side is the day in the south when segregation died.
All the people you have to inform about a war in the sand called a desert storm.
The cops gotta stop this racist thing because the streets erupt when they assault a King.
In the Hollywood streets a River meets his doom outside a door to a Vipers room.
Thirty three people we can save before a clown has to surf the electric wave.
Then juice goes on the run, but he needn't have bothered because justice ain't done.
The whole world watches a man named Gump and the king's daughters marriage leaves a whole world stumped.
It's a cold start in an English cell where the west is hung but a Rose will dwell.
A pac times two gets the eyes on him but September turned out to be really grim.
A princess dies in Paris the second in the candle song, that made a Knight of a man by the name of John.
Blue eyes and Tammy just couldn't stay but the words echo forever how they did it their way.
The River meets the Crowe in the Gladiator, and the smashed a square office for a different spectator.
Selassie finally gets put to rest and a recount with the Gore makes a Bush the best.
So now I know that I can't stay so sow this knowledge in useful way, and in this perfect world or so it would seem I became awake it was all a dream.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem